So several things have happened lately - I went out and had my very long (for me) hair abruptly chopped off into what could be accurately described as a Dickensian urchin shag, but which I had hoped would be a pixie.

I printed out and lovingly x-acto knifed Patricia Zapata's 2009 wall calendar. It is still January, but I took the picture of the March page, because it has my favorite backing paper. Since I was holding the camera, it was my call.
This was a pleasant task of exactly the kind of piddly, time-consuming paper-cutting that I love.

I finally got around to making a bonnet from my Amy Karol King Pod pattern that I've only had sitting around for months, waiting for some attention.
I made this bonnet out of a really nice gray light weight wool with an almost comically oversize chartreuse ribbon. It's great, I look like I'm going out to tend to my flock of imaginary sheep with it on, but that's kind of the idea, I think.

My thrifted sideboard is spread out and primered smack in the middle of the house so you have to navigate the workspace everytime you want, say, a glass of milk from the fridge. I maintain that this piece of furniture has a lot of "potential" and is going to be nifty as can be with a little more paint ( a lot more paint?)
1 comment:
Jennie - love the cut and love the blog! Glad I found it! Adding your site to The Fawn Shop blog.
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